Reflection of 8th grade and Parker

I learned everything I know from Parker. My experiences from Parker have made me who I am today. One of the most memorable moments was when my class was in Philadelphia and I played the boys at tennis and beat them. When it was time to go back to the hostel, Anna was tired so I offered to give her a piggyback and I did and I bet her a penny that I could carry her all the way from the tennis courts to the bunk beds at the hostel. I did :).

I learned many academic things this year as well. I am confident that I will be able to use my knowledge throughout my education and in my life. For example, I will be a better writer because of all the things I learned from Seth in LA, and I will be able to calculate sale prices in stores and tips in restaurants.

I am happy with my accomplishments and experiences at Parker and I am excited to gain new knowledge and experiences at Emma.