15 questions

 1. What five words do you think best describe you?

Creative, funny, smart.

2. What do you love doing that makes you feel happiest?

Being with the people I love the most.

3. What do you know how to do that you can teach others?

I know how to write creatively, and i can teach other people how.

4. What is the most wonderful/worst thing that ever happened to you?


5. What did you learn from the best/worst thing that’s happened to you?


6. Of all the things you are learning, what do you think will be the most useful when you are an adult?

I think that writing will be the most useful thing because it is a skill that will be with me always, and I can teach it, and it is fun.

7. If you could travel back in time three years and visit your younger self, what advice would you give yourself?

Have fun and don’t stress about little things. Focus on what is important.

8. What are you most grateful for?

My family (which includes my friends).

9. What do you think your friend felt when she got kicked out of school?

Probably pretty pissed like she didn’t deserve it. (for the record, she did)

10. What do you think your life will be like in the future?

I don’t know, I don’t want to know and I am happy not knowing. That is the only thing that i am OK waiting to know.

11. Which of your friends do you think I’d like the most? Why?

Megan A. because your personalities are similar with small differences.

12. If you could grow up to be famous, what would you want to be famous for?

I don’t want to be famous because one way or another lots of people hate you.

13. How would you change the world if you could?

I would give all the people in the world nourishment.

14. How can you help someone today?

I can donate my share money to a shelter.

15. If you could make one rule that everyone in the world had to follow, what rule would you make? Why?

Rules are meant to be broken and people will always break rules. There is no point.